
Showing posts from June, 2020

Till next time dad..

Its a strange world right about now, dad, I can only imagine your reaction to it if you were still here...but your not.  We will gather for father's day tomorrow as we have in the past with the younger father's, however, for myself and mom and Dave, the longing for you is like a missing limb, a branch, a root. Mom is fine, I know you would wonder, if you could wonder. She's so independent, not that she wasn't before, but there were some simple things I wished you showed her, like how to use the tv remote, know her way around the breaker box, and change batteries in things, etc.  That said, mom is still the person you know who rarely complains, in fact, often I worry she is lonely living alone, but she would never really tell me. At any event, you would be surprised to know on the other hand of things of how mom has become a bit bolder--stubborn and determined. Its been interesting for me in the ways of getting to know this new mom.   In case you might think...